Our Story

A Brief History...

The Calloway Heights Community Church was started as a Sunday School in a house in the community.  Then grew out of this a concern for a church.  Property was donated by J.E. Hurt on December 16, 1942 by a one dollar transaction between himself and the trustees of Calloway Heights Community Church.
The people in the community and surrounding area were from different denominational backgrounds.  There were not enough of each denomination to build a church so they went in together and built a community church.  The understanding was that on the first Sunday of each month the Missionary Baptists would be able to hold services.  On the second Sunday of each month the Methodists used the church.  On the third Sunday month the Christian or Disciples of Christ Church would meet.  There was a note on the remaining Sunday or Sundays as to who would use the church.
The church split and in 1950 the Calloway Heights Baptist Church on Rural Oak Drive was built.  The minister B.L. Jones started the Calloway Heights Baptist Church.
The pastors who have been at Calloway Heights Community Church (Fellowship Bible Church) from that time to the present are B.L. Jones, William Thomas, Curtis Whaley, Hayward Lough, Jim Giner, Intern Pastor Eugene Lough, William Ice, Intern Carl Ferguson, Roy Owens, Gary Ring, and Chris Smith.
A constitution was drawn up and approved in 1975; henceforth, a new deed was drawn up and now the property belongs to the one group who are members of the Calloway Heights Community Church (Fellowship Bible Church).
The re-named Fellowship Bible Church is now seeking to minister to the saints and evangelize the lost.  We have Sunday School for all age groups and Church Kids (Ek) ministry and Student Ministries as well as regular services on Sunday and Wednesday.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 11 am.